Dr. Yehya Serag worked with the project team in 2017 to publish a joint paper on “neighborhood-scale urban form typologies of large metroplitan areas: observations on Istanbul, Cairo and Tehran”. He had a research stay at Center for Technology and Society of TU Berlin to work on the above topic. At the time of cooperation, At the time of the project, Yehya Serag (*1976) held the position of Associate Professor of urban and regional planning at the urban design and planning department at Ain Shams University while being on sabbatical leave to the Architectural Engineering department at the faculty of engineering and technology at the Future University in Egypt. He obtained his Master and PhD degrees from the University of Leuven in Belgium (KULeuven). His research interests include, urban and regional strategic planning, as well as the impacts of politics on urbanism and the built environment. He was involved in several academic cooperation initiatives with universities in both Belgium and Germany.